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Screenshot of a Windows 2000 virtual machine with the IconArt software open. The window displays an earlier version of the 32 by 32 favicon for this website, enlarged with a pixel grid, with some options for editing tools on the left and colour pallette on the right. The favicon features a background of a Tetris light and some warm fairy lights to the side, with a blue LED illuminating the scene. Some text in a yellow pixel-style font appears in front which reads "OR456". Above the editor is where other sizes for the icon are displayed. Here, there's that 32 by 32 version along with a smaller 16 by 16 one as well, displayed in the original size. The smaller 16 by 16 version is similar to the other one, but only displays the text "456"

Making a website favicon

11th February 2023

Alternate formats: JPEG

Using the software 'IconArt' on a Windows 2000 VM to put together a favicon for this website. I made the designs in GIMP on my main computer and used this software to make a .ico file. I did end up tweaking the font colour after this, as I found it blended in with the background a little bit too much.